Journey to Low-Tox, Low-Waste Living

I wanted to sit down and talk about where this journey started for me and start to document the changes I have made over the years. I wanted to do this because lately I have felt like I am not doing enough to save the world (like one person could save the world anyway). I am hoping that as I write this I will see all I have done and am doing and maybe it will even inspire new ideas. As I remember things I will add them here but since I have been doing this for so many years now I am sure it will come to me in pieces.

I have to remind myself that ultimately the world doesn't need one person doing something perfectly, it needs thousands of people doing lots of things imperfectly.

My Starter Pistol

It all started with that God awful video of the sea turtle with the plastic straw stuck in its nose. I believe the video was published in 2015 but I saw it in 2017. That video changed everything for me. The pain I saw on that poor creature when they extracted the straw broke my heart. I never wanted to be responsible for pain like that.

At the time the Zero Waste movement wasn't nearly as known about or as trendy as it is today.


Straws: As a start I began refusing straws when I went out. Most servers forgot and would bring them anyway, and at the time most coffee places like Starbucks would just give you one since plastic wasn't being outlawed then. I purchased my very first set of stainless steel straws and carried them in my purse for me and my family to use at dinners out. They were cheap and dishwasher safe so I was very happy! I even got glass eventually. Overtime I have found other straws that I like more such as Bkr's Silicone Straws or these from Amazon.

Grocery Bags: I also started to refuse plastic grocery bags and instead brought my own. I would always get complimented about it and even got money back which I did not even realize my local grocery store gave back 5 cents per bag you brought. It was a teaching point for everyone in line but wow it was exhausting. I bought durable cart bags because at the time my family did not have reusable bags. I took all of the existing plastic bags my family had and dropped them off at our grocery stores plastic bag recycling bin.

Produce Bags: I also wanted to stop using the plastic produce bags for veggies and fruits so I purchased these. I especially liked that they had the tare weight on them already!

Water Bottles: Then I stopped using plastic water bottles. Immediately. I purchased my very first Bkr bottle in Brooklyn at Plastic Free Shop's first pop up store! It was a 1L Big Smooth in the sleeve color Jet (which is black) and I never looked back. I have had water from a plastic bottle out of desperation about 5 times since and am super proud of that. Now we live in the era of Stanley's and BrüMate's both of which I love as well, but I always come back to bkr.

Toilet Paper: I learned how much water it takes to make toilet paper and was horrified. My home state is Arizona so I understand water is precious. Again thanks to Package Free Shop I discovered the Tushy Bidet. Let me tell you. YOU NEED THIS. It is a game changer. If you are someone who uses wet wipes- never again. You can save money and the planet. You don't have to worry about a rush on toilet paper! That was a Godsend for me in 2020.

Menstrual Cup/ Disc/Period Underwear:

I switched to these for several reasons. First, I wasn't aware of what was in menstrual products and frankly its horrifying what is allowed to be in products we put in our body (that's a whole different rant), second I did not like the amount of waste I was producing each month. I wanted a little more control. Read articles, many articles about the different cups and their pros and cons and make a decision for yourself. If I ever have a daughter, you better believe this is where we will start. In practice I hope to provide alternative options for every single menstruating person I encounter! I will probably write a review on these products later.

I started looking not only at what I could easily swap to create no waste but swaps to be more sustainable where there was not yet a zero waste option. More so than that I started looking at companies and making sure that they were treating their workers fairly and that they had sustainable business practices all around from raw materials to production and shipping and were doing good things for the planet. It was a lot and I was overwhelmed, even with the help of Plastic Free Shop. The changes I made happened slowly from here.

My next step was shampoo and conditioner. I tried the bars but I really hated them and so did my hair. It was lifeless and dull. After a long good 6 month trial run with a few different bars I figured there had to be a better way. So Plastic Free Shop to the rescue! Plaine Products was introduced to me.


Shampoo & Conditioner: Plaine Products are liquid shampoo and conditioner like we are all used to- but in aluminum bottles. When you're done you send your bottles back to them and they refill them. They are vegan and cruelty free. I'm planning a much more in-depth post about this brand so stick around!

Leftovers: I also realized that leftovers were very wasteful so I started bringing Tupperware in my purse when I knew we were going out to eat. At the end of dinner I would whip out my giant purse and collect our straws and hand out containers to my family. No more styrofoam there. Thankfully now companies have better alternatives but why not use what you have?

Shaving: I switched to the Leaf Razor by Leaf Shave Co. I had been using a Gillette 5 blade razor for years and had had the same handle for at least 7 and been using refill heads so at least I never used disposable razors but I figured I could do one better. The trick is to change the blades often. Since they're cheap though, its not a problem and they're completely recyclable.

Zip-Lock Bags: I started replacing my zip-lock bags with Stasher bags. Every time I see them on sale I look and see about expanding my current "stash" (I laughed at that lol). They have since expanded the types they make but I'll include those here too. Stand Up Mega, Stand Up Mid, Stand Up Mini, 1/2 Gallon, Sandwich, Snack, Pocket, and Go.


Laundry: I switched my laundry detergent and my dryer sheets out. I found an eco friendly paper sheet laundry detergent and switched to dryer balls!


Composting: I started composting. My diet had changed and I was eating more fruits and veggies and so much of it was going into the trash I felt I needed to do something. So I bought a little tumble turner off of Amazon for my backyard and it has been perfect. I also bought a kitchen compost bin, a temperature gauge, and compost starter. I will link those below but my composting game is SO MUCH BETTER NOW thanks to Mill & Recycled City!

The Mill comes with that little magnet see in the photo to give an at a glance look at what you can and can't put in the Mill.

So why did I choose Mill? Well composting was dirty and hard and I didn't get to use my own compost very often using the system I linked below. It worked but it just wasn't it for me. I started looking at composting machines like Lomi but they were expensive required additives you have to purchase or didn't compost enough fast enough. When I moved back to Arizona from Florida after graduate school I signed up for a local composting program called Recycled City (you filled a bucket with food scraps and they pick it up weekly, every two weeks, or monthly). Recycled City partnered with Mill to help me compost my scraps from home and that's how I was introduced to Mill and I will NEVER go back!

With Mill it sits in my kitchen like a trash can and there is a pedal just like a trash can to open the lid. Anytime I have scraps from cooking or from leftovers that went left a little too long I just push the pedal with my toes and dump them in! I've even been known to add a pizza slice! Things I could NEVER put in my outdoor composter for attracting pests, I can put in my Mill! A stale cupcake? Sure. Potato peels? Absolutely. Any questions on what can go in you can search it in the app to be sure!

My Mill runs at night at 8:30 if it has had food scraps added during the day. There is no smell, the sound it emits is minimal and ultimately I am not contributing to the landfill with food scraps anymore!

If you want to sign up you can use this link and get $150 off your own mill!


Now my focus is on not just being eco-friendly for the sake of the planet but for the sake of myself. I'm working tirelessly to find products that are sustainable, non-toxic, made in the USA since that is where I am located, cruelty free, carbon neutral, give back like 1% for the planet, and treat their employee's fairly. Whatever products I've replaced I'd like to keep track and add them here.

The amazon links are affiliate links and I use them to support my family so if you decide to use them, thank you! Please know they cost you nothing, it is just a kind way to support me if you choose! If not you can just open a new window and search if you do not want to use the affiliate link to purchase.


Let’s Talk Night Terrors